Super 8
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After witnessing a train crash, a group of friends uncover an alien conspiracy in their small town.
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During the summer of 1979, a group of friends witness a train crash and investigate subsequent unexplained events in their small town.
"Before commanding 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' and 'Star Trek', filmmaker and producer J.J. Abrams commanded another space adventure. However, more grounded. It's 'Super 8', a feature film that draws inspiration from Stephen King and Steven Spielberg's work to tell the story of a group of friends who witness a train accident and then embark on an alien conspiracy. Although this formula has already been exhausted, the director knows how to give freshness to the plot, mainly by the intelligent choice of cast with Elle Fanning ('Somewhere'), AJ Michalka ('A View from Heaven') and Kyle Chandler ('Manchester by the Sea'). An unpretentious movie, without great moments or stories, but that entertains and revives the atmosphere of youth groups films from the 1980s."