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Krypton survivor Kara gains superpowers and battles a woman who wants to use a power source for destruction.
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After a power source for the community of Krypton survivors is accidentally whisked to earth, Kara-El, cousin to Superman and niece to Jor-El, chooses to go to earth to find it, and bring it back. Upon her arrival, she becomes just a powerful as her cousin, but encounters dangerous battles and unexpected obstacles when a mean spirited woman who practices rituals of the occult takes the power source for herself, and uses it to cause destruction and attempt zenith human status.
"The story is about Kara (Helen Slater), who lives in Argo City, a city that managed to survive the end of Krypton. However, the small piece of land begins to deteriorate - and she is sent to Earth, the same planet where years before her cousin, Kal-El (better known as Superman), was sent. Here, she gains superpowers and begins to protect our planet as Supergirl. Unfortunately, Christopher Reeve refused to reprise the role of Man of Steel in this movie, which would have been interesting. The final result is far from a masterpiece of cinema, but certainly brings an affectionate memory for some."