Why watch this film?
When the girl of his dreams is kidnapped, a man incapable of feeling physical pain turns his rare condition into an unexpected advantage in the fight to rescue her.
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"Novocaine is a fun action-comedy starring Jack Quaid (The Boys). The plot follows a bank executive with a curious condition: congenital insensitivity to pain. Because of this risk, he lives a dull and monotonous life until he falls in love with a co-worker (Prey's Amber Midthunder). When she’s taken hostage during a violent bank robbery, he decides to take the biggest risk of all and pursue the criminals to save her, a situation that clearly overwhelms him. The fact that the protagonist is a regular guy who feels no pain opens the door for clever, darkly comedic fights, with Jack Quaid delivering laugh-out-loud moments. However, the novelty wears off quickly, and beneath this unique trait of the character, there’s a script full of clichés. Still, Novocaine is well-directed, and Quaid is endlessly entertaining on screen. If you can tolerate the high levels of violence, it’s one of the most original action films this side of John Wick."