The Amazing Spider-Man
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A high school student juggles being a superhero and dealing with everyday problems.
Why watch this film?
Peter Parker is going back to high school in The Amazing Spider-Man as a teenager dealing with both contemporary human problems and amazing super-human crises.
"Director Marc Webb (of '500 Days With Her') was called upon to tell a new origin story of Spider-Man on the big screen, this time with heavy influence from Marvel Comics' Ultimate label and the classic hero's comics phase by Stan Lee and John Romita Sr. Now with Andrew Garfield ('The Social Network') in the title role, the focus of the story is on the relationship between hero responsibilities and the difficulties of civilian life - especially in the love story between Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone, who went on to win an Oscar for 'La La Land'). Less formulaic than Sam Raimi's trilogy, drama and romance take the place of fun - with an interesting result."