Gran Turismo
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A struggling gamer, a failed race car driver, and an idealistic exec team up to conquer the elite sport.
Why watch this film?
Based on the unbelievable, inspiring true story of a team of underdogs - a struggling, working-class gamer, a failed former race car driver, and an idealistic motorsport exec - who risk it all to take on the most elite sport in the world.
"Danny Moore (Orlando Bloom, from Pirates of the Caribbean) is a Nissan marketing executive trying to make an ambitious project come to life: putting players of the simulator game that gives the movie its name into the real world, driving cars on a track. Despite this premise looking like marketing, Neill Blomkamp (District 9, Elysium) takes the story and focuses on the journey of Jann (Archie Madekwe), a British youngster who fights to be one of those selected to drive for real, and Jack (David Harbour, from Stranger Things), Jann's coach who doesn't take the obvious path and has great heart. The racing scenes are correct and, despite some visual slips, should impact the general audience. The best part is the chemistry between Madekwe and Harbour, which convinces as a totally unconventional racing duo that touches your heart."