Why watch this film?
A reformed hacker turned cyber security technician finds himself in the 'hot seat' when he realizes that he’s just armed a bomb under his chair and he’s forced to help a maniacal anonymous caller pull off an impossible cyber robbery.
"Typical Mel Gibson movie from the 2020s, i.e. full of action and not much story. 'Hot Seat' follows a showdown: on one side, an ex-hacker is forced to hack into high-level banking institutions, while another must try to penetrate the building with traps to get the young man out of the hot seat. Directed by James Cullen Bressack (of Bruce Willis's mediocre films, such as 'The Fortress' and 'Survive the Game'), the feature film brings banal elements of suspense and action cinema, putting Gibson in a forgettable character, without any memorable scene, but which should please those looking for a typical action movie."