Chicken Run
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A group of chickens plan to escape their cruel owners with the help of a new rooster.
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When a cockerel apparently flies into a chicken farm, the chickens see him as an opportunity to escape their evil owners.
"Movie that brings a strong flavor of childhood to those born between the 1990s and 2000s, 'Chicken Run' is one of those animations that are a hit from start to finish. To begin with, directors Nick Park and Peter Lord further enhance the stop motion technique with clay adopted in the 'Wallace and Gromit' shorts. In addition, keeping the rural atmosphere of the plot, 'Chicken Run' is one of those trips that captivate the viewer by telling the story of a group of chickens that want to escape from farm life. It is a simple movie in its story and message, but of complex execution, which has become practically timeless through the generations. After all, no matter how much cinema has been replaced by increasingly digital, robust and daring animations, this "play" involving clay and chickens should enchant people of all ages."