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A brave baby elephant, with the help of his friend Timothy, uses his unique ears to become a star.
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The inspirational tale of Dumbo, the courageous baby elephant who uses his sensational ears to soar to fame with the help of his clever best friend Timothy Q. Mouse, will thrill and delight audiences of all ages.
""Released in 1941, 'Dumbo' is one of Disney's most delicate and emotional stories. It seeks to address differences and also makes social critiques, which ended up being contradictory as the production presents content accused of racism. There is a scene in which Dumbo meets a group of crows and one of them is called Jim Crow - a popular 19th century character used to reinforce negative stereotypes about blacks. Despite this major flaw in the script, which was only discussed many years after the animation was released, 'Dumbo' is one of Disney's most popular classics and won an Oscar for Best Song and a Cannes Prize in the animation category.""