The Maid
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A loyal maid struggles to keep her job after 23 years of service.
Why watch this film?
A drama centered on a maid trying to hold on to her position after having served a family for 23 years.
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Available at home
A loyal maid struggles to keep her job after 23 years of service.
"It's a brilliant Chilean social drama, winner of two awards at the Sundance Film Festival in 2009, and even nominated for the Ariel Award and the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Film. 'La Nana' uses black humor to portray a character who has made her life around serving others, with both hilarious and impactful consequences. There isn't much to say about most of the characters in this domestic microcosm photographed under a naturalistic approach. Special mention goes to the lead actress, Catalina Saavedra, who alone justifies watching this film."