Heal Lessons: Anita Moorjani
Where to watch
Anita Moorjani shares her journey of surviving lymphoma and a near-death experience, and how being authentic is crucial for our health.
Why watch this film?
Anita Moorjani discusses the importance of being an authentic person and how our thoughts determine how we feel. Testimonies from spiritual leaders, doctors and people who reveal the powerful connection between the human psyche and health.
"Substitute 'Ser Autêntico é Saudável por Anita Moorjani' with 'Heal Lessons: Anita Moorjani'. Translate the following text into US English: Anita Moorjani is a survivor of lymphoma, a type of tumor in the blood cells, reaching, at the most acute moment of the disease, to go through a near-death experience. With the help of treatment and a lot of willpower, Anita overcame cancer - and then began to tell her story through self-help books, the most famous of them being 'Morri Para Renascer'. In 'Being Authentic is Healthy by Anita Moorjani', part of the documentary series 'Heal Lessons', she brings the importance of being authentic and true to ourselves, and how this reflects on our health."