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Five wealthy teenagers commit a savage crime and embark on a haunted sailboat with a Dutch Captain.
Why watch this film?
At the beginning of the 20th century on the island of La Réunion, five adolescents of good family, enamored with the occult, commit a savage crime. A Dutch Captain takes them in charge for a repressive cruise on a haunted, dilapidated sailboat. Exhausted by the methods of the Captain, the five boys prepare to mutiny. Their port of call is a supernatural island with luxuriant vegetation and bewitching powers.
""The Wild Boys" (internationally titled "Les garçons sauvages") is the first feature-length film from French transgressive filmmaker Bertrand Mandico after a long career making short films. The movie not only breaks down genre boundaries, but moves from surrealism to adventure, suspense, and erotica, but also challenges gender binaries—featuring an all-female cast portraying male characters whose attitudes are mistakenly stereotyped as exclusively masculine: aggression, violence, and strength. Selected at the Venice Film Festival, this film is a sensory and mind-bending experience you won't soon forget."