A Rarámuri woman defies convention and wins a 50 km ultramarathon in traditional clothing and huaraches.
Why watch this film?
Lorena Ramírez is a Mexican runner belonging to the Rarámuri o Tarahumara ethnic group. She came in first place at the Cerro Rojo Ultra Trail race, in which 500 athletes from 12 countries participated. Always dressed in huaraches and traditional clothing, she refuses to wear conventional sportswear for running.
"Maria Lorena Ramirez is one of the most inspiring Mexican figures of recent memory, winning the UltraTrail Cerro Rojo ultramarathon (a 50 kilometer journey) using only traditional clothing and footwear of the Rarámuri people (or Tarahumaras). With just half an hour, the short film 'Lorena: La de pies ligeros' offers a look at the tradition of indigenous runners of the tribe, whose name can be translated into Portuguese as "those with light feet" - and who are known worldwide for their high performance in long distance races."