The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
A hypnotist uses a sleepwalker to commit murders.
Why watch this film?
Hypnotist Dr. Caligari uses a somnambulist, Cesare, to commit murders.
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A hypnotist uses a sleepwalker to commit murders.
""Due to being considered the first horror movie in history, 'Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari' is essential to any genre fan's repertoire. It is also an example of German expressionist cinema and, as such, has a fascinating subtext of criticism towards the movement that led to World War I - Cesare, the somnambulist, is a clear symbol of ordinary citizens, conditioned to kill for a tyrannical government. Its exaggerated forms and unconventional camera angles have left a legacy of influence throughout the history of cinema, from film noir to Tim Burton and beyond. The best news: since it fell into public domain, the feature film is available for free and in its entirety on YouTube.""