They Don't Wear Black Tie
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Union leader's son faces dilemma between family and political activism during a strike.
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Union leader's son doesn't want to engage in a strike, because his wife is pregnant, thus disregarding his father's tradition of political activism.
"Based on Gianfrancesco Guarnieri's homonymous play, originally staged at the Arena Theater in 1958, 'They Don't Wear Black-Tie' tells two love stories. One about the mature couple in their established relationship, the other about the young couple in search of understanding - all against the backdrop of the end of the Military Dictatorship in Brazil, when the regime tried its "slow, gradual and safe" opening and, at the same time, the strikes of the metalworkers, especially in the ABC Paulista. Awarded with the Golden Lion at the Venice Festival, this is undoubtedly one of the most important films of national cinema, and with a cast of great stars of our dramaturgy (including, besides Guarnieri, Fernanda Montenegro, Francisco Milani, Bete Mendes and Milton Gonçalves)."