The Fall of the American Empire
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A philosophy PhD turned deliveryman faces a dilemma after stumbling upon millions in a hold up gone wrong.
Why watch this film?
Pierre-Paul Daoust, 36, an intellectual with a PhD in philosophy is forced to work as a deliveryman to afford a decent living. One day, while delivering a parcel, he gets caught in a hold up gone terribly wrong: two dead and millions in money bags laying on the ground. Pierre-Paul is confronted with a dilemma: leave empty handed, or take the money and run?
""The Fall of the American Empire" has a relation - although it is not a direct sequel - with "The Decline of the American Empire" and "The Barbarian Invasions", forming a kind of trilogy by French-Canadian director Denys Arcand. Here, we have a mix of comedy and thriller, bringing criticism to capitalism and the financial and legal systems. The result is effective, although very far from the two previous films."