The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
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A man's job and destiny are threatened, leading him on an incredible journey.
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A moment comes when you stop dreaming, start living and discover your destiny. For day dreamer Walter Mitty, that time is now. When his job, along with that of his coworker (Kristen Wiig) are threatened, Walter takes action and embarks on an incredible journey. Ben Stiller directs and co-stars in this inspiring story about an ordinary man who leaps into the extraordinary adventure that is life.
"Ben Stiller is an actor known for his comedic characters, often over-the-top, in films like 'Dodgeball' or 'There's Something About Mary'. However, he reverses these stigmas and shows he can also do good dramas with 'The Secret Life of Walter Mitty'. Although it has some humorous aspects, this feature film also directed by Stiller moves with the journey of a man who aims to turn dreams into reality. It's an exciting, emotional and, above all, inspiring "road movie"."