Edward Scissorhands
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A man with scissor hands navigates a new community and discovers new abilities.
Why watch this film?
A gentle man, with scissors for hands, is brought into a new community after living in isolation.
"If there's one Tim Burton character that has become embedded in popular memory, it's Edward Scissorhands. Extremely peculiar, as bizarre as most of the characters created and developed by the filmmaker, Edward is as sensitive as he is strange. A kind of Frankenstein, he was created by a scientist who died before finishing him. This made him distant, alone, lonely -- largely due to his scissor-shaped hands. However, he quickly discovers new abilities that change the course of his life. Magisterial performance by Depp, long-time partner of Tim Burton, who knew how to mix all the strangeness of Edward Scissorhands with the sharp sensitivity of the plot. To be moved."