Birdmen: The Original Dream of Human Flight
Where to watch
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Experience the adrenaline-filled journey of fearless individuals defying gravity and soaring like birds.
Why watch this film?
Staring down a sheer precipice into a deep abyss with your head spinning, every fibre in your body tries to resist the edge. Meet the mad men and women who don't. Overcoming their fears, they step off into thin air and fly like birds, hurtling at impossible speeds and gliding low across beautiful, rolling landscapes. A startling, adrenaline-filled insight into the revolutionary new sport that brings the dream of human flight alive.
"This documentary shows the dream of many, the possibility of man being able to fly. Get ready to see breathtaking landscapes! 'Birdmen: The Original Dream of Flight' was produced in 2012 and just now arrived in Brazil in 2017 - due to this there are technical limitations in terms of image quality, which would certainly be better nowadays, but none of this hinders the beauty of the movie."