You Are Not Alone: Fighting the Wolf Pack
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A young woman fights for justice after a traumatic assault by five men in Sanfermines.
Why watch this film?
The documentary film is an overwhelming deconstruction of the case that generated the first Spanish #MeToo. With the starting point of the sexual assault suffered by a young woman in the 2016 Sanfermines by five men who call themselves “La Manada”, the feature film takes place hand in hand with the words of the surviving victims -with Natalia de Molina and Carolina Yuste as narrators- and people close to the events who share their testimonies for the first time.
"This Netflix documentary reconstructs the notorious case of "La Manada" (“The Wolf Pack”), a group of men accused of rape during the San Fermín festivities in Pamplona, Spain, in 2016. You Are Not Alone: Fighting the Wolf Pack (No estás sola: La lucha contra La Manada) features narrations by actresses Natalia de Molina and Carolina Yuste to give voices to the survivors, while also revealing testimonies from individuals close to the case – officials, lawyers, etc. Simultaneously, it analyzes the mechanisms of patriarchal complicity that have allowed this violence, but it is also a testament to the power of social mobilization in the pursuit of justice."