Four Daughters
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A Tunisian mother's life takes a dark turn when her two eldest daughters go missing.
Why watch this film?
The life of Olfa, a Tunisian woman and mother of 4 daughters, oscillates between light and shadow. One day, her two eldest daughters disappear. To fill their absence, director Kaouther Ben Hania calls upon professional actors and sets up an extraordinary film mechanism to unveil the story of Olfa and her daughters. An intimate journey full of hope, rebellion, violence, intergenerational transmission and sisterhood, which will question the very foundation of our societies.
"Four Daughters is an Oscar-nominated documentary film that deviates significantly from the format we're used to for this type of production. No monotonous "talking heads," for example. Here, filmmaker Kaouther Ben Hania (The Man Who Sold His Skin) brings two actresses on screen to portray two of Olfa's four daughters, a Tunisian woman. The two are missing and cause a hole in this mother's life. Gradually, in this blend of documentary accounts and performances with these actresses, we follow a unique cinematic experience that traces an intimate journey of hope, rebellion, violence, and sisterhood, questioning the foundations of our societies and surprising with the delicacy with which it deals with such a complex and difficult topic."