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A former intelligence specialist leaks Russian interference in the 2016 US elections.
Why watch this film?
A former American intelligence specialist receives the longest sentence for unauthorized disclosure of government information to the media. The leaked details pertain to Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections through an email operation.
"For various reasons, the 2016 US presidential elections – where Donald Trump emerged victorious – have been among the most significant political controversies in the West during the 21st century. One of those reasons: allegations of Russian interference in the outcome. The story of Reality Winner, a war veteran who leaked a document with classified information on the case and ended up in federal prison, is not as well-known. Based on information and recordings from Winner's investigation (brilliantly portrayed here by Anyone But You’s Sydney Sweeney), director and screenwriter Tina Satter weaves a tense narrative between thriller and docudrama in her debut feature. While it doesn't delve deeply into the complex networks of power involved, it does reflect on the cynicism of the judicial forces in the service of power, with excellent direction and masterful performances that elevate a small story to higher magnitudes."