Why watch this film?
Immerse yourself in this once-in-a-lifetime concert film experience with a breathtaking, cinematic view of the history-making tour. Taylor Swift Eras attire and friendship bracelets are strongly encouraged!
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"Needless to say, as a musical artist, Taylor Swift has managed to become a pop phenomenon with legions of fans, resulting in the economically most successful concert tour of all time: 'The Eras Tour.' The concert tour was also documented and released as a film, 'Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour,' which in itself has been a phenomenon challenging the conventions of how a premiere should be conducted. Beyond that, as a concert film, it is spectacular, and although its primary audience will undoubtedly be "swifties," 'Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour' will also captivate music and entertainment fans in general. Furthermore, this extended version features three songs that were not included in the film's theatrical release: "Long Live," "The Archer," and "Wildest Dreams.""