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A brilliant scientist leads the creation of a world-changing weapon, facing moral dilemmas along the way.
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A dramatization of the life story of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist who had a large hand in the development of the atomic bomb, thus helping end World War 2. We see his life from university days all the way to post-WW2, where his fame saw him embroiled in political machinations.
"J. Robert Oppenheimer was an American physicist who went down in history as the creator of the atomic bomb, which changed the course of humanity. And it is his story that is told in Oppenheimer, Christopher Nolan's (Tenet) feature-length film that dives into the memories, fears, facets, and various lives of the American. Repeatedly compared to Prometheus, the titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity, Oppenheimer is dissected over three hours, either through his relationships, friends, ideas, work, and other aspects. He is a complex figure, but one brilliantly interpreted by Cillian Murphy (Peaky Blinders), a perfect actor for a far from simple role. And despite some of Nolan's directorial vices, which insist on unnecessarily playing with the temporality of the plot or inserting abstract elements capriciously, Oppenheimer shows itself as the filmmaker's most mature film, taking on the challenges and knowing how to create a dense film without boring. A difficult production, skirting the impossible, which does not give in to the schemes of commercial cinema and makes us realize that Oppenheimer is among us, like an invisible threat that he never wanted to be. Read more in our full review."