Return to Seoul
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A French woman returns to Korea to find her biological parents, but her journey takes an unexpected turn.
Why watch this film?
A twenty-five-year-old French woman returns to Korea, the country she was born in before being adopted by a French couple, for the very first time. She decides to track down her biological parents, but her journey takes a surprising turn.
"Return to Seoul is one of those films that, despite being able to describe its plot, completely resists categorization and convention. It's about a South Korean girl, adopted and raised in France, who decides to return to the country she was born in, in search of the family she never knew. Or is it for something else? With an unpredictable yet captivating script, and a debut performance by Park Ji-Min (which doesn't take anything away from established actresses), it's an incredible journey not only through the capital of South Korea, but also through universal questions of the human condition."