Where to watch
Amira discovers her father's infertility and her true identity as an Israeli's daughter.
Why watch this film?
Amira, a 17-year-old Palestinian, was conceived with the smuggled sperm of her imprisoned father, Nawar. Although their relationship since birth has been restricted to prison visits, he remains her hero. His absence in her life is overcompensated with love and affection from those surrounding her. But when a failed attempt to conceive another child reveals Nawar's infertility, Amira's world turns upside down.
"The Question of Palestine (involving not only the territory, but also its people) is always in the midst of controversy. After all, it is a delicate situation of decades of conflict, prisoners, invasions, wars, suffering and disputes. 'Amira' is an Egyptian and Jordanian feature film that places itself in the middle of this question - and which, by itself, ends up involved in controversies. After all, the film tells the story of a young woman, the titular character, who would be the result of artificial insemination from smuggled semen from a Palestinian prisoner held by Israel - however, she discovers that before fertilization there was a swap and she is actually the daughter of an Israeli. Thus, 'Amira' tries to translate into a paternal and family plot the conflicts of the region. However, even though it has an unquestionable artistic quality (having been selected for the Venice Festival), the film by Egyptian director Mohamed Diab (from the series 'Knight of the Moon') slips when portraying the Palestinian struggle, as well as - in the view of many - disrespecting the feelings of the prisoners and their families. In the end, it is a feature film that must always be seen from a reflective look, and that certainly teaches us a valuable lesson: when trying to portray or understand the struggles and causes of other peoples that are not ours, every care is valuable."