Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
Where to watch
The Red Ribbon Army returns with new androids to challenge Goku and his friends.
Why watch this film?
The Red Ribbon Army from Goku's past has returned with two new androids to challenge him and his friends.
"'Doragon boru supa supa hiro' (especially in the 'Z' phase) was a phenomenon in Latin America, at the turn of the 1990s to the 2000s. This feature film, called 'Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero', was made specifically for this audience, betting on nostalgia and the communion of fans from the past while passing on their passion to their children. Although the story is part of the current phase of the characters, the plot of the movie rescues events from the 'Cell Saga' of 'Dragon Ball Z', which makes the animation accessible to those who left the universe created by Akira Toriyama a long time ago. Unfortunately, the homage is lost in a second act that does not take off, and in scenes that simply repeat as a farce what we have already seen as tragedy. There is also little room for Goku and Vegeta, the audience's favorite characters. However, not all is negative: finally there is the deserved space for the adult version of the character Gohan to grow, in addition to having the return of the Portuguese voice cast known to the public - including the always excellent Wendel Bezerra and Alfredo Rollo as, respectively, the aforementioned Goku and Vegeta."