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A father goes to Syria to save his daughter from extremism.
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When Arthur learns that his daughter has escaped to "battle with the word of vices", he follows her. He firmly believes that anyone can be saved by love. Will a father's love win the battle against fanaticism?
"What is the main weapon against extremism? For director Ivan Bolotnikov ("Kharms"), perhaps the word of a father. At least that's what the powerful drama "Palmyra" shows, Bolotnikov's feature film based on the true story of a former Russian soldier, a widower, who discovers that his only daughter Maryam has been recruited by terrorists and fled to Syria. From then on, we follow, distressed, from the other side of the screen, this man doing everything to get his daughter to abandon extremism and return to her roots. The highlight of the movie is Géza Morcsányi, the father of the story, who gives himself body and soul to get his daughter out of Syria."