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A nomadic musician falls for a bride at a disastrous wedding and has to save her life.
Why watch this film?
While serenading a wedding that quickly implodes, o nomadic musician falls for the bride, who runs afoul of her family. Now he has to save her life.
"Netflix was not afraid to replicate one of the formulas that have become popular in Turkey, "feel good" dramas and romances such as 'Destiny Express', 'My Father's Violin' or 'Miracle in Cell No. 7', which have become very popular for their ability to make audiences cry. 'Heartsong' is no different: this is the story of a nomadic musician who, playing at a disastrous wedding, falls in love with the bride, whose life he has to save because she is having problems with her family. It is a syrupy film to the point of being ingenuous, which can cause rejection in some viewers. However, those looking for this type of stories to spend a pleasant and carefree time will enjoy it."