Cha Cha Real Smooth
A young man finds his true calling as a party host after returning home jobless.
Why watch this film?
A young man who works as a Bar Mitzvah party host strikes up a friendship with a mother and her autistic daughter.
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A young man finds his true calling as a party host after returning home jobless.
"Andrew is going through a transformative phase. He just graduated college and is at that point where things aren't so clear - especially since he realized the course he took isn't exactly what he wanted. From there, the light, simple, and very entertaining 'Cha Cha Real Smooth' shows Andrew (Cooper Raiff) returning home to his parents, jobless and without any prospects, and realizing his true calling is throwing parties. With standout performances from Cooper Raiff (who also wrote and directed) and Dakota Johnson (from 'Fifty Shades of Grey'), who treat everything with naturalness, the film shows how, sometimes, we find our destiny in moments of fragility and that we are not always born to do what others expect."