A Jaula
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A thief gets trapped in a stolen car and faces a controversial critique of the police.
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It’s just another luxury car being stolen on a street in São Paulo… or not. A thief easily gets into the SUV parked on a quiet street, but when he tries to get out, he discovers he is trapped, without water or food.
"'The Cage', a film by Chay Suede and Alexandre Nero, is a remake of '4x4', an Argentinian short film written by Mariano Cohn and Gastón Duprat. The story, which in the Brazilian version is set in Sao Paulo, raises a question about taking justice into one's own hands. The movie presents an initially interesting idea: a thief (Chay Suede) gets into a car to rob it and ends up getting trapped inside. After hours, he discovers he has fallen into a trap set up by the car's owner, a famous doctor (Alexandre Nero). From then on, the script embarks on a controversial critique of the police, flirting with vigilantism, which will certainly divide the audience - in addition to having dialogues that leave something to be desired, precisely when it comes to supporting the critiques."