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A boy and his stepfather embark on a rescue mission to find his missing grandfather on a mysterious island.
Why watch this film?
After receiving and decoding a mysterious message, allegedly sent by his grandfather, missing in search of the Mysterious Island, Sean Anderson and his stepfather travel to the Pacific in order to rescue him.
"After a mediocre first movie with Brendan Fraser, and only satisfactory box office results, the 'Journey to the Center of the Earth' franchise got a shake-up with the entry of Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson to the cast, becoming one of the first movies to put him in the middle of the jungle (later followed by movies like 'Jumanji', 'Red Alert' and 'Jungle Cruise'). The result, despite the change in protagonist, is not much different: it continues to be an enjoyable family adventure to watch, without many pretensions, and that entertains just enough. At least the chemistry is good between Josh Hutcherson and Vanessa Hudgens -- and Luis Guzmán, as always, causes a sure laugh."