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A Trojan prince kidnaps the queen of Sparta, leading to a devastating war.
Why watch this film?
A thousand years before the time of Christ, Trojan prince Paris abducts the legendary Greek beauty Helen, queen of Sparta, starting a war led by heroes Achilles and Hector that devastates the ancient world.
"If you're looking for a faithful adaptation of Homer's 'The Iliad', this movie...is not exactly it. 'Troy' is inspired by the Greek literature classic, but omits almost all of the mythological components and condenses a decade of the Trojan War into a handful of weeks, all in service of a sword-and-sandal epic that attempts (and sometimes succeeds) to recreate those of old, in the style of 'Ben Hur'. Other familiar elements of the story are still there, though: the Trojan prince, Paris, runs off with Helen, the wife of the Spartan king, setting off a tragic war between the two powers. The action scenes are spectacular and satisfying, as are the performances. Those looking for something more dense should look elsewhere, but for those seeking a star-studded spectacle with Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom at the helm, 'Troy' is a great choice."