Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time
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A Hungarian neurosurgeon returns to Budapest to reunite with her love, only to be told they never met.
Why watch this film?
After 20 years in the United States, a Hungarian neurosurgeon returns to Budapest for a romantic rendezvous with a fellow doctor she met at a conference. When the love of her life is nowhere to be seen, she tracks him down only to have the bewildered man claim the two have never met. As the brilliant brain surgeon desperately searches for the truth, she fears her own brain may be tricking her into a romantic delusion.
"Hungarian delicate and provocative drama, 'Felkészülés meghatározatlan ideig tartó együttlétre' begins with an out-of-the-box idea: a brilliant neurosurgeon leaves her career in America to return to Budapest in the intention of reuniting with the love of her life. Only that, contrary to expectation, this man says they never even met. From there, with a gala performance by Natasa Stork ('White God'), filmmaker Lili Horvát brings a slow and contemplative plot that, although it distances a part of the audience due to its very characteristic rhythm, hits the mark in the way of treating love, memory and behavior, with challenging and yet inspiring characters."