A Fish Swimming Upside Down
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A mysterious woman becomes the object of desire for a father and son, leading to a complicated love triangle.
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Andrea, a woman without a past, is the object of both Philipp's and his son's desire. A love triangle filled with expectations, longing and fears leaves open the speculation of who knows what about whom.
""Love triangles are always complicated, with frustrated people, unrequited loves and the like. Now, few love triangles are as complicated as the one seen in 'Ein Fisch, der auf dem Rücken schwimmt', the German film by director and screenwriter Eliza Petkova ('Zhaleika'). Here, we follow the story of a father and son who both fall in love with Andrea, a mysterious woman, at the same time. Bold, provocative and with a notably slow pace, the feature film shows the coldness of German cinema in contrast to a strong situation that boils and provokes.""