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A former secret agent returns to France to save his son from false accusations of arms and drug trafficking.
Why watch this film?
A mysterious former secret service agent must urgently return to France when his estranged son is falsely accused of arms and drug trafficking by the government, following a blunder by an overzealous bureaucrat and a mafia operation.
"One of the great qualities one can have is the ability to laugh at oneself - a truth that holds true for action movie heroes. After stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Nicolas Cage embarked on this theme, it is now Jean-Claude Van Damme's turn to play with his qualities, but also with his clichés and limitations. That is why the story of 'Le Dernier Mercenaire' - about a former secret agent fighting against the mafia and government forces to save his son - does not bring great surprises, nor is it a feature film with a billion dollar budget. The important thing is that the movie embraces the goofiness of 1980s cinema, with Van Damme smiling while having fun on screen doing impossible stunts. To watch with good humor, without expecting anything revolutionary or surprising."