Joan of Arc
A young Joan leads the French army, but is captured and sent to trial for heresy.
Why watch this film?
In the 15th century, both France and England stake a blood claim for the French throne. Believing that God had chosen her, the young Joan leads the army of the King of France. When she is captured, the Church sends her for trial on charges of heresy. Refusing to accept the accusations, the graceful Joan of Arc will stay true to her mission.
"When it comes to perhaps France's greatest heroine, there are no shortage of movies about Joan of Arc: from Carl Theodor Dreyer's masterpiece to Otto Preminger's version with Jean Seberg, Roberto Rossellini's with Ingrid Bergman or even Luc Besson's with Milla Jovovich. Proposing something different, then, is a challenge by default, but director Bruno Dumont (‘Camille Claudel’) achieved something similar with ‘Jeannette, the Childhood of Joan of Arc’, in musical form. ‘Joan of Arc’ (‘Jeanne’) continues the story and eliminates some of the excesses of its predecessor, although it achieves the same thing: dismantling the absurd glorification of a myth with self-aware humor. The film was selected for the Cannes Film Festival's Un Certain Regard section in 2019."