Come True
A student joins a sleep study and her nightmares start to blur with reality.
Why watch this film?
In this psychological thriller, a young lost student decides to participate in a sleep study. Between lack of rest and horrible nightmares, reality seems to be getting out of her reach. Fantasia Film Festival 2020.
"In the style of 'A Nightmare on Elm Street', we have another horror movie that deals with dreams - specifically those that torment us and keep us from sleeping. In the story we follow Sarah (Julia Sarah Stone), a young woman who can't get a good night's sleep due to recurring nightmares. In search of discovering what causes the problem, she decides to look for answers in an institution and the situation takes a different turn. With a nebulous script, it's kind of hard to understand the director's message. However, the suspenseful atmosphere is well built - much thanks to the soundtrack and camera games."