Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
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Alex discovers his royal heritage as a lion prince in Africa.
Why watch this film?
The Madagascar animals fly back to New York City, but crash-land on an African nature reserve, where they meet others of their own kind, and Alex especially discovers his royal heritage as prince of a lion pride.
"After a light and unpretentious first movie, a "classic" of animation, it was expected that 'Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa' would follow the same path. However, directors Tom McGrath and Eric Darnell invest in more of the same when talking again about these animals fleeing from somewhere - in this case, from Madagascar itself. There are its funny moments and that enchant parents and children, like the penguins' saga again. However, it is a pity that the movie cannot advance in the provocation of the story and in the development of the characters, which only gain layers when they find similar ones in the jungle. It's fun, but unfortunately it doesn't come close to what sequels like 'Shrek 2' and 'Toy Story 2' do, which go far beyond their original films."