What Would Sophia Loren Do?
Italian-American grandmother finds inspiration in Sophia Loren after life's challenges.
Why watch this film?
What Would Sophia Loren Do? follows Nancy “Vincenza” Kulik, an Italian-American grandmother living in New Jersey. Nancy has seen her share of life’s challenges, but has always been able to stay joyful and resilient, inspired in part by another Italian mother, Sophia Loren.
"This short film tells the story of two women: Vincenza “Nancy” Kulik, an 82-year-old Italian-American grandmother from New Jersey, and Sophia Loren, also a grandmother and 86-year-old Italian cinema icon. The film draws parallels between the two women's journeys. Kulik remembers finding solace in Loren after the death of her son, Dominic, drawing strength from her roles in cinema as well as her ability to move forward after the death of her husband, film producer Carlo Ponti, in 2007. This is a unique production that shows that stars of the silver screen are, above all, human."