Recife Assombrado
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A man searches for his missing brother in a haunted Recife, encountering scary folk legends.
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Hermano searches for his missing brother in the city of Recife, which is haunted by scary folk legends.
"Let's make it clear: 'Recife Assombrado' is not a good movie. Despite the good intentions of filmmaker Adriano Portela, the feature film has serious narrative problems and, mainly, technical flaws - the excessively dark photography, for example, is almost desperate. However, it can't be said that 'Recife Assombrado' is a movie that can be forgotten or left aside. It would be unfair. After all, the journey of a man in search of his missing brother in a frightening Recife, with airs of film noir, helps the audience to embark on the proposal of the film and create links with what is being told. Above all, the differential of the script is to bring cultures and folklores of the region, often forgotten in national cinema in detriment of foreign cultures. A movie that could, and should, be much better. But that, within its limitations, has a certain charm and importance."