The Orphanage
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A Kabul teenager's love for Bollywood helps him navigate life in a Soviet-era orphanage.
Why watch this film?
A 15-year-old ticket scalper in Kabul dreams of Bollywood until the Soviets force him into a state facility.
"Afghan director Shahrbanoo Sadat is the owner of one of the most sensitive and delicate cinemas of the 2020s, having already gifted the audience with forgotten and little-discussed gems like 'Wolf and Sheep'. Now, in 'Parwareshghah', she continues the pentalogy based on the diary of writer Anwar Hashimi. Here, specifically, we find a 15-year-old boy who, still in the Soviet regime in Afghanistan, decides to make a living selling cinema tickets in the black market - the good old scalper. Things change in the boy's life, however, when he is caught and sent to a state orphanage. It is there, then, that his fantasies with Bollywood cinema are essential for the boy to face bullies, new friendships and romances."