The Most Beautiful Day in the World
Where to watch
A struggling theatrical impresario inherits two children, one with superpowers, changing his fortunes.
Why watch this film?
Arturo Meraviglia is a theatrical impresario in difficulty. He must take care of Gioele and Rebecca, two children "inherited" by an old uncle. When he realizes that Gioele is equipped with superpowers, his luck has changed.
"After dozens of Marvel and DC superhero films and series that reversed the logic of these characters like 'The Boys', the feeling is that stories about superpowers have entered a tiresome monotony. However, here comes Italian director Alessandro Siani (from 'Mister Felicità') with 'Il giorno più bello del mondo'. Drawing from the source of 'Ensinando a Viver' with John Cusack, the feature film tells the story of an indebted theater entrepreneur who believes he has found the answer to his problems when he receives custody of a boy with powers. It is a somewhat obvious film in its conduct and in its attempt to draw tears from the audience, reminiscent of Eugenio Derbez's "paternal" productions and films like 'Não Aceitamos Devoluções'. However, even so, in the end 'Il giorno più bello del mondo' is one of those productions that are friendly and should serve as a good pastime, albeit a bit banal."