Console Wars
Sega assembles a team to take on Nintendo in a make or break conflict.
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It was 1990: Sega, startup gaming co. assembled a team to take on Nintendo, world's greatest video game company. A make or break conflict pit brother against brother, Sonic against Mario and, American capitalism against Japanese tradition.
"Although in the 2010s and 2020s only Xbox and Playstation are talked about, the world of gaming saw a war fought in the 1990s with two brands that are fundamental in the video game industry: Nintendo and Sega. Both, in search of control of the market, starred in historic disputes. Now, this battle comes to the screens. Directed by Blake J. Harris and Jonah Tulis, 'Console Wars' delves into the war between Nintendo and Sega - by the way, it is worth remembering, Harris is also the author of the book 'Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo and the Battle that Defined a Generation', released in 2014. Thus, here, the duo of directors brings with a certain didacticism, but with an attractive visual, an explanation of how Sega, until then a producer of arcades, decides to invest in the domestic video game market and face off with Nintendo, which dominated the segment. It's not incredible, like the book itself is. But still, it should make the eyes of fans of these two video game brands shine with some good stories."