The Elephant and the Butterfly
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A man confronts his past and unexpectedly becomes the caretaker of a little girl.
Why watch this film?
After five years away, Antoine returns to Brussels, determined to confront his past. He knocks at the door of the woman he’s loved and left, but arrives just as she is about to go on an important business trip. The babysitter is running late and, in a moment of panic, she asks Antoine to stay with little Elsa for a few moments. Caught off-guard Antoine agrees, but the babysitter does not arrive.
"There is a Mexican movie, directed, written and starred by the star Eugénio Derbez, which shows an inattentive and careless father who is left alone to take care of his small daughter whom he didn't even know. It's 'No Se Aceptan Devoluciones', a typical comedy, and it even got a Brazilian version with Leandro Hassum. Now this story premise is taken to a serious, emotional and powerful drama in 'Drôle de père'. Produced by the Dardenne brothers (from 'Two Days and One Night'), the feature film tells the story of a man who will finally meet his daughter. However, a series of events end up leaving him alone with the girl and with the frightening prospect of taking care of her forever. With sensitive direction and screenplay by Amélie van Elmbt (from the beautiful 'La tête la première'), this melodrama navigates the depths of stories about fatherhood and, mainly, responsibility with children. A movie to cry and be moved a lot."