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A security expert is framed and imprisoned in a secret facility, forcing him to use his skills to escape.
Why watch this film?
When a structural-security authority finds himself set up and incarcerated in the world's most secret and secure prison, he has to use his skills to escape with help from the inside.
"I would dare to say that 'Escape Plan' was the best movie of Sylvester Stallone since 'Rocky Balboa' in 2006. After all, there are several elements of this amazing action long. Firstly, the excellent premise of an escape specialist who is placed in a maximum security prison to prevent secrets from other prisons from leaking out. Then, the warlike atmosphere that promises to explode at any moment. And finally, the great performance of the Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger duo, which must leave any fan of the 1980s cinema absolutely fascinated. Even though the ending is a bit exaggerated, given what the movie had presented up to then, it's hard not to have fun with the production."