Explore the works of top film directors and rising filmmakers from the U.S. and beyond. Our A to Z catalog features American and international directors like Denis Villeneuve and Greta Gerwig, alongside emerging talents. Navigate through pages of famous directors, discover filmographies, trailers, and where to stream iconic movies, and uncover the directors shaping modern cinema worldwide, from Hollywood to global cinema.
All directors
Adriel Nizer Silva
Adrien Beau
Adrien Caulier
Adrien Daranciang
Adrien Piquet-Gauthier
Adrienne Unae
Adrina Isakhani
Adze Ugah
Aedan Jayce
Aella Jordan-Edge
Affonso Uchoa
Afonso Poyart
Afrah Ahmed
Agaba Collin
Agata Nielsen
Agatha Yim
Agathe Riedinger
Agnelo Wayne Rodrigues
Agnès Aràjol
Agnes Born
Agnes Fernandes
Ágnes Kocsis
Agnes Maska
Agnès Varda
Agnieszka Holland
Agnieszka Smoczyńska
Agnieszka Woszczynska
Agniv Sengupta
Agostino Leone
Ágoston Kollányi ifj.
Agron Karameti
Agustí Villaronga
Agustín Claros
Agustín Tapia
Agustina Navarro
Agustina San Martín
Ahad Khan
Ahana B. Murumbi
Aharon Keshales
Aharon Orian
Ahava Ronn
Ahmad 'Akiin' Thomas
Ahmad Abdalla
Ahmad Alamdar
Ahmad Amini
Ahmad Muhammad
Ahmed Abdelnaser
Ahmed Abdelwahab
Ahmed Abdullahi
Ahmed al-Gendy
Ahmed Ghanem
Ahmed Hamed
Ahmed Ibrahim
Ahmed Mawas
Ahmed Said Agaoglu
Ahmed Sultan
Ahmed Yassin Al Daradji
Ahmed Yassin Aldaradji
Ahmet Arslan
Ahmet Küçükkayali
Ahmet Yasar Gümüs
Ahn Joo Young
Ahn Sun-kyeong
Ahseem Yousuf
Ai Weiwei
Aida Alimadadi
Aida Bukvic
Aida Golghazi
Aidan Collett
Aidan Culver
Aidan Harris
Aidan Jack O'Connell
Aidan Starbird
Aiden Shaw
Aidhi Malik
Aika Kirei
Aileen Harrison
Ailin Bisi