Explore the works of top film directors and rising filmmakers from the U.S. and beyond. Our A to Z catalog features American and international directors like Denis Villeneuve and Greta Gerwig, alongside emerging talents. Navigate through pages of famous directors, discover filmographies, trailers, and where to stream iconic movies, and uncover the directors shaping modern cinema worldwide, from Hollywood to global cinema.
All directors
Spike Lee
Spyridon Anagnostou
Spyros Kavvadias
Spyros Mavraganis
Spyros Petropoulos
Spyros Tsiftsis
SR Rajan
Srdan Golubovic
Srdjan Koljevic
Srdjan Spasojevic
Sreejith Nair
Sreyas Paloi
Sri Kishore
Sripal Sama
Sriram Papolu
Stacey Clayshulte
Stacey Darkwaah Duah
Stacey Davis
Stacey Lee
Stacey N. Harding
Stacey Palmer
Staci Layne Wilson
Staci Roberts Steele
Stacia Crawford
Stacie Davis Hamilton
Stacie Hawkins
Stacie Passon
Stacy Jenkins
Stacy Poulos
Staffan Lindberg
Stamatis Tsarouchas
Stan Amsellem
Stan Berghs
Stan Foster
Stan Harrington
Stan Lathan
Stan McClintock
Stanescu Motatu Demetrio Leonidas
Stanislas Millière
Stanislav Puzdriak
Stanislav Todorov Rogi
Stanislava Ivy
Stanka Gjuric
Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly
Stanley Kubrick
Stanley M. Brooks
Stanley Nelson
Stanley Obi
Stanley Pomianowski
Stanley R. Jaffe
Stanley Tong
Stanley Tucci
Stanley Wing Siu
Star Victoria
Stas Ivanov
Stas Verechuk
Staten Cousins Roe
Stathis Papadimitriou
Stavros Kostopoulos
Stavros Psyllakis
Stebs Schinnerer
Steeve Léonard
Stef 'Sharky' Schultz
Stef Smith
Stefan Arsenijevic
Stefan Brogren
Stefan C. Schaefer
Stefan Enslin
Stefan Fjeldmark
Stefan Haupt
Stefan Janoski
Stefan Jansson
Stefan Krasic
Stefan Leuchtenberg
Stefan Lysenko
Stefan MacDonald-Labelle
Stefan Molyneux
Stefan Olsen
Stefan Pleszczynski
Stefan Pollak