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A deadly virus spreads through California, and only one arrogant army scientist can find a cure.
Why watch this film?
Army doctors struggle to find a cure for a deadly virus spreading throughout a California town that was brought to America by an African monkey. The Motaba virus it's traveling fast and destroying everything in its path. Only one man can stop it from spreading into a deadly worldwide outbreak in this riveting scientific thriller.
"Mixing disaster story with the feel of 1980s action films, 'Outbreak' has an exaggerated plot. Director Wolfgang Petersen (of the excellent 'Das Boot') goes to extremes to create a picture of total devastation: humanity is at risk due to a deadly virus, which originated in the heart of Africa and kills 100% of those infected. That's right: everyone who gets the disease dies. Salvation lies in the hands of Dustin Hoffman's character, an arrogant army scientist who wants to find a cure at any cost. Obviously, 'Outbreak' is not a movie to be taken seriously. The trashy atmosphere of the film already indicates this. However, it is a good fun, since it excites in some moments and even has room in the story to get some good laughs."