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A young boy discovers he is an heir to a medieval king and must use Excalibur to save the world.
Why watch this film?
A band of kids embark on an epic quest to thwart a medieval menace.
Available at home
A young boy discovers he is an heir to a medieval king and must use Excalibur to save the world.
""The Boy Who Wanted to Be King" is an instant classic among family fantasy films. Drawing inspiration from British medieval legends, particularly that of King Arthur, the feature film follows a young boy named Alex, who finds nothing less than Excalibur, the mythic king's sword and proof that he is an heir to the royal line. Though the idea of adapting legendary stories for modern times has become commonplace in cinema, the movie is very well executed with excellent special effects and a top-notch cast - including names like Patrick Stewart ("Logan") and Rebecca Ferguson (Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation). Special mention goes to the young lead: Louis Ashbourne Serkis, son of director and actor Andy Serkis."