The Spy Who Fell to Earth
Ambitious historian investigates the mysterious death of a world-renowned spy.
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Ambitious historian unmasks the worlds greatest spy, setting in motion the events leading to his mysterious death.
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Ambitious historian investigates the mysterious death of a world-renowned spy.
"The story of Ashraf Marwan is one of the most incredible of the 20th century: son-in-law of the Egyptian president and a spy who risked everything and betrayed his country to save Israeli lives in the Yom Kippur War. Based on the book of the same name by Ahron Bregman, 'The Case Marwan: Suicide or Murder?' (or 'The Spy Who Fell to Earth' in the original) is an entertaining documentary that analyzes the life and circumstances of the spy's death. Was Marwan killed for betraying Egypt? Or was he really a double agent and the Israelis took his life?"